Too little too late?


Re-Introducing Ambition

They made you think ambition was bad and a selfish pursuit. They didn't know that the World changes when ambitious folks are given the space to be exactly-that. Let me show you that space - intimate and inside your inbox.

Hey Reader, can I tell you a story?

He arrived as what seemed like an answered prayer - but way too late. I’d already been underpaid for over 6 months and HR and management had already delivered the final blow of a threat in response to my unhappiness at the above.

He was too late - so I avoided him like a covid cough.

Until my final day he asked to chat and I obliged - not out of some kind of mic drop moment but to provide some candor that could hopefully help things for my colleagues I left behind. I was also searching for some glimmer of acknowledgment on a human level from someone in power with no skin in the game and no reason to lie or tow the party line.

I wanted peace for myself. And hope for my team-mates.

I shared the twists and turns, my recommendations, my disbelief at each step and my true reason for leaving. Not the fun gender pay gap but the attitude to the pay gap and vitriolic response to my ambition of simply being paid fairly for my work.

He apologised and told me if I ever needed anything, a reference an opportunity - that I shouldn’t hesitate to reach out (exhales in empathy).

Now, I don’t share this to tell you to wait for a Fairy Godmother/knight in shining armor to change everything for you, but to encourage you take stock if you already have one in your organisation that you’re overlooking or avoiding like a covid cough.

  • Someone that would rather find you a spot in a new team than watch you leave.
  • Someone whose values and ethos supported yours instead of being threatened by them.
  • Someone who can be a sponsor or a champion not based on some kind of likability bias but based on the quality and impact of your work and value brought.

I know what you’re thinking - Jaz…that’s a lot. But if you’re reading this at a point when you’re set on leaving anyway - what do you have to lose?

Reach out, set up the chat and let me know how it goes?

If you want support with this, join the “Don’t quit. Get promoted instead” webinar on 21st August… it’s amazing what you can achieve when your back’s against the wall!

p.s. If this isn't your bag, don't worry, there are plenty of other workshops and webinars here.

I work with all kinds of careers so will always have something for everyone! While we're here actually...let me know..

Re-Introducing Ambition

They made you think ambition was bad and a selfish pursuit. They didn't know that the World changes when ambitious folks are given the space to be exactly-that. Let me show you that space - intimate and inside your inbox.